Academic publishing in turmoil: Lessons for open
Katja Mayer (University of Vienna, Austria)
The following text is a short version of my lecture in Prag in June 2016 at the conference: Parasitic Relations in Academic Publishing
In recent years, the role of scientometrics has changed substantially: from once being developed as descriptive methods, we nowadays deal with a multitude of approaches designed for normative intervention. This performativity of impact measuring is an apt example of how intervention strategies might conform to a regime's inner logic to the point of subverting it.
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"What science becomes in any historical era depends on what we make
of it"
Sandra Harding
Gaming the system
The Leiden Manifesto (
has literally manifested what has been rumbling since several years: the
bibliometrics community is fed up with the ill application of quantitative
research evaluation and the general obsession with impact factors. They call
for a metrics-based research assessment, which allows both evaluators and
researchers to be held to account. Since scientometrics have been established
as integral part of all levels of academic life, they form the basis for a wide
range of decisions in the context of research quality assessment. The metric
tide (
is already built into the very core of academic meritocracy and its instruments
of rewards and incentives. As such it is integrated in knowledge databases such
as Web of Science or Scopus, Journal or University Rankings, hence co-shaping
scholarly output- and career evaluation.
Even though shortcomings and limits have been demonstrated
many times (i.e. Archambault & Larivière 2009), journal impact factors and similar
indicators are still applied uncritically today. Since they originally have not
been developed as tools for research evaluation but as selectors for librarians
in an US context, they are not only faulty and partial measures for valuation
of scientific quality, they also provoke optimisation strategies by publishers,
journal editors and authors alike, which have been observed as least since nearly
20 years (i.e. Smith 1997). Quite a few quantified academic selves (
successfully gamed the system by establishing citation- and peer review
cartels, by inventing new document types and editorial styles, and by
encouraging self-citation, to name just a few optimisation strategies. Ever-new
metrics and new citation pattern algorithms are created to counter these
tendencies, and it does not stop there. Paper mills, counterfeit predatory
journals, fake peer review, vanity press on the one hand, and bibliometric training
in "career crafting" and "life course management" in higher
education on the other hand are rounding up successful strategies for survival in
the competitive business (or sport) of science.
"Everyone is playing the game, publishers,
researchers and funders, but that doesn’t mean that all the players have the
same freedom to change it. It is only the research community itself that
can change the rules. If institutional leaders chose to change the game,
the world would shift tomorrow." Cameron Neylon
Parasitic gatekeeping
Simplistic performance driven and metrics based
evaluation of scientific quality is enforcing the hegemonic structure of
scientific publishing and scholarly communication. There are currently three
knowledge databases serving as the main guardians of citation counting and
impact measuring: Web of Science (recently sold by Thomson Reuters to a group
of private equity funds), Scopus (Elsevier), and Google Scholar. Besides
gathering information about scientific publications and citations, all of them
are either involved in providing journal publishing infrastructure and
information products, in publishing journals, or in making content searchable
and findable, in short they are providers of access. This makes the
entanglement, indeed the dependency of access to knowledge and its
evaluation so alarmingly apparent. Obviously it is logical that only who
has the technical means to store this vast array of information could develop
the means to first order it and second to label it with a value, but we have to
consider the concentration of power in such a setting. This makes the system
especially vulnerable to trickery and subversion. Besides citation scams, WoS
and Scopus are also prone to predatory journals (
Hence, this setting reveals the deficiency of metrics based on partial data and
biased collections, suggesting that such a universalist approach to measuring
scientific quality might be the wrong approach altogether.
On top of this, today we witness an oligopoly of five
publishing corporations (incl. Elsevier) controlling 50 percent of all journal
articles enjoying high profit margins (Larivière et
al 2015). In the last years they have substantially increased the fees
for access to their portfolio without adding much benefits for authors,
research institutions and tax-payers that mainly fund their business. Hence there
is unrest growing about the legitimacy of the monopolised and untransparent
flows of capital from public to private (Lawson et
al. 2015), and the parasitic behaviour of publishers bleeding their
A flawed basis for evaluation, high prices of access,
little services and benefits for authors and funders: these form the basis for
rampant discontent among academic communities and policy makers, especially
since the Open Access movement has already proven that there is a way to start
disentangling access to knowledge and its evaluation.
Alternative visions for open
scholarly communication
Basically open access means making research outputs
available online free of cost to access and free of most restrictions on
copying and reuse. With the discovery of open access as business model by the
publishing industry (including predatory publishers) in a world of
"publish or perish" its radiance has somewhat suffered. Through high
article processing charges some scientists become aware of the cost of
publishing for the first time. We will have to apply for additional funding,
they think, this is adding bureaucracy and additional pressure, they think. Furthermore,
and especially in the context with fake or predatory publishers piggybacking
the metric tide OA is often confused with lack of peer review ( or
low impact factors, even with copyright infringement. In communities not
already fond of OA publishing and in institutions lacking a strong open policy
still a lot of efforts to throw light on the positive aspects of OA are needed.
Gold OA as business model on the other hand has accelerated negotiations of policy
makers, academia and industry and led to a widespread implementation of OA
policies (e.g. in US or EU funding schemes).
However, what is still missing in many regards is the
understanding that OA is not an end but only the beginning. In order to foster
this we need to start training ourselves in open skills and ideas of sharing
that go beyond the traditional dissemination of research output, but also
beyond the technocratic liberation ideas focussing mainly on change via
technology. ( ) We need more than open-washing of
traditional models of knowledge production and dissemination.
Consortially funded OA (Like the Open Library of the
Humanities, or
SCOAP3 is a good
example of innovative concepts of sharing knowledge and risk, and another
important step in the creation of alternative publishing markets for the
further disentanglement of evaluation and access to knowledge.
Transition phases to OA by default will need strong
visions, concrete open policies and monitoring of cost transparency and
negotiations. (
It is vital that policy makers, academia and industry understand the
complimenting opportunities of commercial markets and knowledge commons. At the
same time stakeholders in the transition process need to consider innovative
forms of quality and impact assessment, which goes beyond simplistic or flawed
metrics, inspired by the many shades of openness of science in society.
Despite an alleged crisis in academic publishing due
to cuts of university library budgets and open access publishing, we witness a
continuously growing publishing output since the advent of the digital era. The
academic publishing industry is adapting to the changes in the market by shifting
their focus to other regions (BRIC and SAMP), monetizing smaller chunks of
content, harvesting research data and meta data, or servicing the whole
scientific discovery process. The application of quality metrics for all new
products is vital since it is adding value to such new forms of content. If
such indicators proved to be robust for industry objectives, we should look
very close at their construction and impact (e.g. Kraker & Lex 2015 ) .
Industry is fast learning from (or harvesting) ideas of
the open science movement. The time is now to think about relevant reward and
business models, beyond mimicking existing models like "data papers"
to make research data citeable. For example, we will have to discuss open
licences that provide scalable approaches of evaluating contribution in systems
of mass collaboration, respecting community norms as well as legal impact in
regard to enforced copyright legislation. Authors, researchers, stakeholders
alike should participate in defining what added value means in open science
realms, and what it needs to turn parasites into collaborators.
How do we want science to become? The Vienna Principles are an example of a
shared vision for the future of scholarly communication, designed to provide a
coherent frame of reference for the debate on how to improve the current
system. Comments are welcome via
Archambault, É., &
Larivière, V. (2009). History of the journal impact factor: Contingencies and
consequences. Scientometrics, 79(3), 635-649.
Kraker, P., & Lex,
E. (2015). A critical look at the ResearchGate score as a measure of scientific
reputation. In Proceedings of the
Quantifying and Analysing Scholarly Communication on the Web workshop
(ASCW’15), Web Science conference.
Larivière, V.,
Haustein, S., & Mongeon, P. (2015). The oligopoly of academic publishers in
the digital era. PloS one, 10(6), e0127502.
Lawson, S., Gray, J.,
& Mauri, M. (2015). Opening the Black Box of Scholarly Communication
Funding: A Public Data Infrastructure for Financial Flows in Academic
Publishing?. Available at SSRN.
Smith, R. (1997),
Journal accused of manipulating impact factor. British Medical Journal, 314
(7079) : 463.
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